Across the year we have numerous ways that we communicate with parents. We begin the year with a "Welcome to Cardwell State School' B'Q around week 5 of term 1 - this is supported by our P&C and is a great way to meet staff and the P&C executive.
We also offer class information sessions in term 1 to allow parents an insight into how their child's class will be organised - information for these are shared via parent letters and through our fortnightly newsletter and school Facebook page. We then offer parent - teacher interviews - these happen prior to report cards coming home in Term 2, but are also available at any time if parents make an appointment with their child's class teacher.
Throughout the year we also share information with parents via email, newsletters and Facebook. We enjoy parents being involved in our school and all are welcome to assist our volunteer Tuckshop every Friday.
There is also a whole school parade starting at 2:30 pm every Friday. If you are keen to be involved in your child's class in other ways please don't hesitate to contact class teachers.