Cardwell State School has two school houses - Hinchinbrook and Meunga.
Throughout the year the students compete in a variety of different sporting and fun activities to build up points for their houses. As part of our school Positive Behaviour For Learning we allocated stamps to students who are following our school rules of - Being safe, being respectful, being a learner and being a buddy. These stamps at tallied and shared at our weekly parades as house points.
Both of our houses have a Sports Captain who supports and leads their teams in our inter-house carnivals and who also work together at the Super Southern Schools' Sports Carnivals.
These carnivals happen 3 times every year - beginning with the Cross Country hosted by Murray River Upper School. Then we hold the Athletics Carnival, which is hosted by Kennedy School and finally end the year at the Swimming Carnival hosted by our school here in Cardwell.
We pride ourselves on encouraging all of our students to participate in sporting events and the house points assist with this. Every Thursday when our students participate in their weekly PE lessons they are able to wear their house shirts, which can be purchased from our P&C or through the school office.